WORKSAFELY® Safety Advisor Travis Knight joined the MHCA team March 18. We wanted to give him a ‘right proper’ introduction to the western Manitoba clients…
Are you interested in learning more about the growing use of drone technology in Manitoba? If so, join the Manitoba Construction Sector Council (MCSC) as…
Hiring? If you are a small or medium-sized business hiring first-year apprentices, you could receive up to $20,000. Launched by Employment & Social Development Canada…
A milestone in safety certification has been marked this year, with more than 10,000 construction and industry-related firms achieving COR® certification. The news came at…
MHCA WORKSAFELY®’s COR® meeting on November 2 discussed time-loss injury rates, where participants learned that workers getting struck by objects was the primary risk area.…
At a recent Manitoba Start information session on April 13, MHCA Workforce heard several newcomers are eager to start work in the heavy construction industry.…
By Jennifer McFee Reprinted with permission of the Stonewall Teulon Tribune The Town of Stonewall is taking great strides in upholding top-notch standards for safety…
As you may know, the work undertaken by the heavy construction industry is considered an essential service and as such our industry is permitted to…
WORKSAFELY™ recently held 3 one-hour teleconference meetings for heavy construction companies. Over 100 people, in total, took part, discussing concerns and issues in working during…
**Updated April 21, 2020 Based on advice from governments and their public health agencies regarding the presence and risk of COVID-19, the MHCA will not…