WORKSAFELY Program Committee

The WorkSafely Program Committee was established by the Manitoba Heavy Construction Association (MHCA) Board of Directors to provide it advice and recommendations regarding the planning, operations and evaluation of the WorkSafely Program and related offerings on issues pertaining to safety and health in the heavy construction industry. 

Under this mandate the Committee:

  • Provides sector-specific input on the direction of the WorkSafely Program and related offerings
  • Ensures the WorkSafely Program meets or exceeds the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations, and is aligned with Safe Work Manitoba’s standards and guidelines, and meets or exceeds the National COR®standard
  • Promotes public awareness of workplace safety and health and injury and illness prevention within the heavy construction industry
  • Ensures training meets or exceeds the WorkSafely/COR®

Interested in having a voice? Join the committee. Contact us for more information.


If you need additional support and assistance and would like a Safety Advisor to contact you, please complete the following form.