While most companies have a well-thought-out safety program and manage it effectively, often missing is a plan to assist injured employees return to the workplace. The process includes working with WCB, third-party insurance providers, or MPI claims, all of which can be confusing and time consuming.
Often, safety personnel in an organization are responsible for managing the injury database, incident database and corrective actions, on top of their regular workload. Now, add to those responsibilities the management of disability claims, whether work-related or not…
What do you do? How do you get started?
MHCA WORKSAFELY® has developed a new course that will help navigate the return-to-work and disability-management process. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive Disability Management Program.
It will include:
- Describing what a disability management program is, its purposes, and why it is required
- A complete Disability Management Policy and program elements
- How to implement a disability management program in your workplace
- Instruction on how to use the policy and forms
- How to manage injured employee claims/files, both work and non-work related
- What steps to take, who to contact, and forms that need to be filled out
- How to properly document at each step injury and claims information
- Instruction on claims processing with corporate and government agencies
To register now for this course, please contact Kristen ([email protected]) or your WORKSAFELY® regional safety advisor.