Safety & health inspections focus on COVID-19 controls


Working safely in a pandemic environment has presented numerous challenges to our industry and its work conditions, those who joined in WORKSAFELY™’s latest virtual COR™ meeting on February 17   heard.

Among the topics discussed was the approach Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health is taking to inspections, to ensure COVID-19 risks are controlled.

Sue Nash, of the WS&H branch, said inspections will be focusing on six points:

  • High risk workers (vulnerable workers)
  • Health screening
  • Physical distancing & other controls
  • General hygiene & sanitization
  • PPE
  • Communication & education

Other items discussed at the COR™ meeting were:

  • Ela Partyka, Canadian Mental Health Association, presented on Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond.  This presentation focused on stress and effects on mental health and the importance of mental health in the workplace.
  • Darren James, Manitoba Workplace Safety & Health (WS&H), gave a quarterly report on key performance indicators.
  • Veronica Sysznski, SAFE Work Manitoba, discussed SAFE Work’s 5-year injury prevention plan, as well as promoted webinars that SAFE Work will be hosting.

Don Hurst concluded the meeting with updates on safety in construction zones, updates on COVID-19, WORKSAFELY™’s new e-learning platform and the return to in-person training starting in March.

For more information on any of the above presentations please contact Kristen Ranson at