We all know that prevention measures work in controlling physical and health hazards in our workplaces – engineering controls, safe work procedures and personal protective equipment. Dealing with the hazard presented by COVID-19 is no different.
The implementation of proven prevention measures such as masks, hygiene and social distancing have helped prevent the spread of COVID-19 in heavy construction workplaces, allowing our industry to continue to work through the pandemic. Prevention works!
Despite the lowering of restrictions by the provincial government, and given the risks associated with COVID-19 variants, WORKSAFELY™ strongly recommends that companies continue to practice prevention measures – wearing masks indoors, social distancing and effective hygiene.
COVID-19 vaccines are very effective at reducing transmission and preventing illness and hospitalizations. The MHCA’s return-to-office policy requires staff to provide verification of full vaccination, while respecting Human Rights Code provisions. In this regard, WORKSAFELY™ strongly recommends that people get vaccinated against COVID-19 and that employers encourage their workers to do the same.
So, let’s use what we know about prevention to put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic. Let’s get vaccinated!