benefits of cor® Certification


COR® is our industry’s way of saying we care about our employees, customers and the job that we do. Being COR® certified means your company performs at the highest standards of safety, and assures your clients that your company values safety and adheres to the best, nationally recognized safety program.

There are many benefits to being COR® certified, including:

  • Holding your safety culture to the highest standards
  • Maintaining industry leadership
  • Advantage to more work: COR® companies qualify ahead of uncertified companies for certain jobs
  • Reduction in incident rates in the workplace
  • Lower WCB premiums
  • Assistance from your assigned MHCA WORKSAFELY® safety advisor

If you are COR® certified or looking to get COR® certified and you need some extra help, reach out to the WORKSAFELY® team at 204-947-1379. We would love to give you a hand!