As our industry continues to work, we at WORKSAFELYTM continue to work in cooperation with companies to implement a modified audit process during this time. Companies have been given a deferral of COR audits until April 30th. Beginning May 1, WORKSAFELYTM will be implementing a modified audit process for external and internal audits with the goal of minimizing contact for those involved in the audit. Details will be communicated to our companies within the next week. Advisors will be in contact with companies that have upcoming audits. If you have any questions please contact your advisor.
We understand that companies have training needs coming into this new construction season. While WORKSAFELYTM has suspended all training for the time being, we are working to develop options for delivering training remotely where possible, and will advise as soon as it is available. Should your company need training please contact your regional safety advisor.
We are also continuing to update COVID-19 prevention policies as we learn more. These policies are accessible here. Today, we have two additional policies that address working in close contact (e.g., sewer and water excavations) and the use of non-N-95 cloth face masks.
Stay healthy and safe!