With the construction season winding down and companies looking to finish up projects, we have seen an increase in roadwork and road-side construction sites. Incidents are more likely to happen when work gets busy. This is a good opportunity to review safe-work procedures and other key safety matters for road construction.
Please ensure:
- your workers are properly trained and you review the details of your traffic-control plans, including proper flagger positioning and safe egress from unsafe traffic.
- your workers are wearing the right PPE for the job, including reflective vests or clothing.
- you perform routine inspections, remembering to correct any deficiencies, document them and your corrective actions.
Your work zone should also be inspected to ensure that signs, cones and barrels are placed where they will maximize safety.
For more information on traffic-control coordinator or flagger training please contact us at 204-947-1379. Any further questions can be directed to your WORKSAFELY™ regional safety advisor.