Mid-season review of COR safety program

The focus on preventing COVID-19 outbreaks may have diverted attention from the more common hazards at our industry’s workplaces. It’s a good time, now, to revisit the broader concerns of your safety and health program.

Consider the following areas to ensure your company policies satisfy your COR™ program requirements and promote strong worker safety.

  • Review hazard assessment forms – Who is completing them? How do the forms describe the task at hand and hazards/controls?
  • Review of safe-work practices and procedures – Ensure that these are developed and/or reviewed with valid worker involvement. 
  • Review of emergency preparedness plans and procedures – Are the appropriate plans in place or have any changes been made? Have drills been conducted? 
  • Meetings and toolbox talks – Are meetings being held with appropriate frequency? Are toolbox talks being held with workers and documented?
  • Documentation and record keeping – Are appropriate records being kept and ongoing statistics generated?

Consider also a review of specific program areas such as alcohol and drug-use policy, training certifications, safe-driving policies, inspection procedures and frequency, COVID-19 prevention procedures, etc.

 If you have questions, please contact your regional WORKSAFELY™ safety advisor for information on implementing changes to your safety and health program, as well as COVID-19 prevention protocols in your workplace.