January 30th is Let’s Talk Day, a mental health awareness campaign sponsored by Bell Canada. The campaign aims to end the stigma around mental health by sharing experiences through social media with the #BellLetsTalk hashtag.
You can provide support to your employees by:
- Starting a conversation about mental health. For example, talk about stress, and how to manage it in your safety talks.
- Being aware of behavioural changes in your coworkers and encouraging them to talk
- Assisting workers in detecting mental health issues early. Encourage employees to access free online screening tools.
- Supporting your employee’s efforts to get help. Allow an employee flexible hours to go to therapy.
WORKSAFELY™ has partnered with the Canadian Mental Health Association, the MFL Occupational Health Centre and SAFE Work Manitoba, to offer a free, one-day workshop to our industry on April 18. The workshop will provide information to help workplaces become psychologically healthy and safe. Participants will enhance their awareness of mental health concerns, identify common psychological hazards and learn how to roll mental health considerations into your existing health and safety programs.
For more information on this workshop, please contact Kristen at 204-947-1379.