A WORKSAFELY™ COR™ audit is a systematic process used to verify the performance of a health and safety management system, compared to an industry standard. The WORKSAFELY COR audit records, measures and presents the results of this verification.
To pass the WORKSAFELY COR audit, a company must achieve a minimum score of 50% in each of the 14 elements and an overall score of 80%. Not understanding where to award points can lead to missed points for an audit, or confusion on how to score the different elements. This edition of “Ask the Auditor” will focus on the ways points are awarded.
14.1.1 Is there a designated Worker Safety Representative at each jobsite?
Where there is more than one of the company’s employees on a worksite, one worker must be appointed as the Committee/Safety representative. If the company is in the project management business, there should be a listing of safety reps for all trades posted on site. WSH legislation requires a workplace safety and health committee be established at companies with more than 20 workers.
14.1.2 Are committee members or representatives familiar with their legal duties and responsibilities?
Safety Committee minutes or company training records must verify that legal duties and responsibilities have been reviewed with the Safety Committee members/representatives and the majority of interview responses must indicate that Safety Committee Members/Representatives have a clear understanding of their responsibilities.
14.1.3 Are committee members or representatives actively involved in the continuous improvement of the safety program?
Through documentation, observation or interviews, the auditor must determine if Safety Committee members/representative have been properly constituted, have established terms of reference, are involved in the safety program activities, and have provisions for addressing and resolving safety concerns in a timely manner. Signatures on the documentation or interview responses with respect to safety meetings, investigations, inspection, etc. will assist in awarding points for this question.
14.1.4 Have committee members or representatives received training in how to carry out these duties and responsibilities?
Training for Safety Committee members/representatives should be reviewed annually and consist of (but not limited to): legislation, inspections and investigations. The safety and health committee/safety representative must review the effectiveness of safety equipment or personal protective equipment and advise on the content or effectiveness of the safety education and/or training programs.
14.1.5 Are committee minutes posted (or if not practical, made readily available) for all employees to read?
WSH Legislation requires Safety Committee minutes and names to be posted (or, if not possible, made readily available) at each worksite, shop or office. (Note: WSH Legislation requires a safety and health bulletin board at each workplace)
For those who do not yet know, there were some changes made to the workplace safety and health legislation in September of 2019. A key change is an amendment to part 3.7 (2) removing the phrase “and the branch” from the regulation.
This means that meeting minutes need not be sent to “the branch” (i.e. workplace safety and health) within seven days after meetings in Manitoba and need only be distributed to each committee member.
Important to remember is that there are other requirements for safety representatives/committees detailed in the act and regulations. To learn more, sign up for our workplace safety representatives/committee training by contacting your regional safety advisor or [email protected].