CFCSA 2024 AGM: A Gathering for Construction Safety


In late June, Trevor Shwaluk and I had the privilege of attending the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Federation Construction Safety Association (CFCSA) in Fredericton New Brunswick. This event marked the crucial role of the CFCSA in the construction industry.

As WorkSafely is a Certifying Partner for the COR® national standard, the CFCSA is pivotal in maintaining consistency and high safety standards across the country.

Among the top items discussed at the AGM were:

  • The CFCSA’s finalized COR® harmonized reciprocity procedure. This procedure will simplify the process of a COR® company obtaining reciprocity in another jurisdiction.
  • The CFCSA Psychological Health Committee has been established to consolidate provincial efforts on an issue that is affecting the construction industry across the country. 

Safety leaders from each provincial construction association had opportunity to meet and talk, interactions that are invaluable for sharing insights, strategies, and innovations that enhance our collective commitment to construction safety.

Participating in the AGM reinforced our dedication to upholding and advancing the safety standards that protect our workforce. As WorkSafely rolls out the new harmonized audit tool, stay tuned for more exciting changes coming in 2025.

The CFCSA’s efforts ensure that we, as safety professionals, continue to lead with excellence and consistency nationwide.